HRHS Orchestra is busy in November! Here's a rundown of everything you need to know, in chronological order.
Wednesday, November 4
- Orchestra Boosters Meeting @ 7pm -- Students get points toward lettering for their attendance and their parents' attendance. We will be finalizing plans for Feeder Fest (11/11), Retreat (11/12) and looking ahead to our Winter Concert (12/9)
- Scrip Orders Due -- Purchase your giftcards for holiday giving through Scrip and a percentage of what you spend is refunded back to your student's personal fundraising account to be used for the $100 Student Fee and any other orchestra-related expenses. Click here and scroll down to the Scrip section for details.
Wednesday, November 11 @ 7pm -- Feeder Fest
- This is our biggest concert of the year, incorporating our high school, middle school and elementary school orchestras
- Click here for a detailed schedule. Feeder Fest starts right after school. Concert at 7pm.
- Our parents make this event happen! Click here to see how you can help. (Thanks to those who have already signed up!)
November 12-14
- Butter Braid orders due November 12. Since we leave for retreat on the 12, we would like students to turn in orders by Monday November 9th.
- Student Retreat @Snow Mountain Ranch. Click here for details.
- We are still looking for parent help to make it a successful weekend. Please contact Mr. Woodworth ( if you can help.
Looking ahead to December, we have two events scheduled -- Orchestra Booster Meeting on December 1 and Winter Concert on December 9. See our complete calendar on the right sidebar of our website.