Our first Personal Fundraising opportunity starts today -- Butter Braids. Your student received an order form today and forms are due on November 12.
Once your Student Fee has been met for the year, all you have to do to access reimbursement from your student's personal fundraising account is contact the Boosters Treasurer, Melanie Hall with a request for reimbursement and a receipt (receipt not required for retreat or attire).
Personal fundraising opportunities are available to students and families to help cover the annual $100 Orchestra Student Fee and/or other orchestra-related expenses (orchestra attire, attending retreat, private lessons, strings, bows, instruments, etc). Every dollar you earn through Personal Fundraising goes into an individual account that can be used to cover Orchestra-related expenses, with the $100 Student Fee as the priority.
We know some families like to sell items and some don't, so the Orchestra Boosters coordinate a couple of sales opportunites each year, and we also provide ongoing passive fundraising through King Soopers cards and Scrip. Click here to learn more about those. NOTE: With the holidays coming, buying your gift cards through Scrip allows you to get a nice little rebate on your holiday spending! Orders are due on November 4 and December 2.
Some families use personal fundraising exclusively to earn toward their Student Fee. Others elect to pay the Student Fee up front (you can do that online this year using the button below), and then any personal fundraising they do can be used at their discretion for the kinds of expenses listed above.
Once your Student Fee has been met for the year, all you have to do to access reimbursement from your student's personal fundraising account is contact the Boosters Treasurer, Melanie Hall with a request for reimbursement and a receipt (receipt not required for retreat or attire).
Still have questions about personal fundraising? Contact Mr. Woodworth or our Booster President, Curt Howe.