Orchestra Families,
Thanks to everyone who participated in our SNAP Fundraiser! We've met a significant amount of our goal, but are still a few thousand dollars short. This fundraiser is still open for the next 6 days so there is still time for you to let potential donors know about it and provide them with this link to the site. Checkout the site to see who has donated!
HRHS Orchestra 2016 Snap! Fundraising Site
A note to those who have recently acquired or are considering acquiring a King Soopers refillable gift card, this is one of the easiest ways to collect funds directly into your student's account that can be used for your $100 fee and other orchestra expenses. You can fill your card prior to purchasing groceries or gas either at the customer service counter or at the checkout stand just prior to making your purchase. For additional information on direct fundraising for your student please visit the Fundraising tab on the HRHS Orchestras website.
HRHS Orchestra Fundraising Tab