Monday, November 28, 2016

Last Scrip Order for 2016 - Due Wed Nov 30th

The last Scrip order of 2016 for physical gift cards is due on Wednesday, November 30th.  Please get your order to Mr. Woodworth by the end of the school day if you are interested. 

Cards usually arrive on Tuesday or Wednesday the following week.

See the Fundraising tab on the website for more information about Scrip.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Winter Showcase Tickets Go On-Sale Monday 11/28/16

HRHS Orchestra Families,

A festive highlight of the Highlands Ranch High School Performing Arts Department is the Winter Showcase. This enchanting event features Holiday Classics performed by a variety of Band, Choir, Orchestra, and Theater ensembles.  There will be three performances in the HRHS Auditorium on the following dates and times:

December 9, 2016 at 7:00pm
December 10, 2016 at 2:00pm
December 10, 2016 at 7:00pm 

Reserved seats may be purchased for $5 each at beginning Monday, November 28, 2016 and will continue to be sold through 12 noon on Thursday, December 8, 2016.

Any remaining seats will be available on a first come, first served, basis beginning 30 minutes before each performance begins.

ShowTix4U Website

Monday, November 14, 2016

November 17th Boosters General Meeting

Orchestra Families,

Or next Booster Club General Meeting is this Thursday, November 17th, from 6:45-7:45 PM in the HRHS Orchestra Room.  The main topics for this meeting will be:
  • The Winter Showcase coming up on December 9th and 10th (3 performances total)
  • Upcoming Volunteer Work Day (date TBD)
Parents and students are welcome to attend the General Meetings. Volunteers for the Winter Showcase are encouraged to attend to receive additional information about these upcoming events.  The persons who have signed up to volunteer at Winter Showcase will be sent an additional reminder e-mail.  You can always check the volunteer sign-ups by finding the corresponding event's tab on the bottom of the spreadsheet at this link.  You can also add your name and contact information to any open slot.


Please come to the General Meeting if you are interested in volunteering for any of these time slots.

We hope to see you there!

Monday, November 7, 2016

Orchestra Photos for 2016-2017 School Year

HRHS Orchestra Families,

Next Monday, November 14th, is picture day for the Orchestra.  The link below will take you to an order form.  Please bring the completed form and payment on picture day.

Contact Ryan Woodworth if you have any questions.

HRHS Orchestra Restaurant Night Fundraiser at Cuba Cuba

HRHS Orchestra Families,

Please join us this Thursday, November 10th, for a fundraiser Restaurant Night at the Cuba Cuba Sandwicheria restaurant located next to Rocketfizz in the King Soopers shopping center area at University Blvd and Highlands Ranch Parkway (9567 S. University Blvd).

15% of all sales will benefit the HRHS Orchestra!

And be sure to tell your friends, family members, neighbors, co-workers, friendly strangers, and anyone else you can think of to stop by or order over the phone this Thursday.  Cuba Cuba will be open for business from 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM.  MAKE SURE THEY BRING A COPY OF THE FLYER (THESE WILL BE AVAILABLE AT THE FEEDER FESTIVAL AND ARE ALSO LINKED BELOW) OR MENTION HRHS ORCHESTRA IF ORDERING OVER THE PHONE!

You can checkout the Cuba Cuba website, including the menu, at this link:
Cuba Cuba Sandwicheria Website

The restaurant night flyer can be found at this link:
Cuba Cuba Restaurant Night Flyer

Feeder Festival Reminder

Feeder Festival is coming up this Wednesday, November 9th, at 6:30 PM in the HRHS Gymnasium.

More detailed information about Feeder Fest can be found at this link:

2016 Feeder Festival Information

  • HRHS students and families will be bringing treats and snacks for sale and donation after the concert. We need families to bring treats, please help!
  • HRHS Orchestra has some cool orchestra merchandise including HRHS Orchestra Shirts, custom tumblers and mugs. We would love to get you some cool high school orchestra gear!
  • King Soopers Cards will be available and are $5 to start and can be reloaded for all gas and food purchases.

High School students should plan to stay after school to help set-up and then help with the Middle School and Elementary Orchestra students.

Parent volunteers helping out with the Feeder Festival will be contacted with more specific information about their participation.

Admission is free, so bring the whole family!  See you at the show!

"I'm the guy who writes these blog posts, and I approved this message"