I wanted to make sure you all knew about the great end-of-year fundraiser that started this week; students are selling tumblers with the HRHS Orchestra logo on them. Not only are these great for personal use, but make cool gifts, as well. Don’t forget Mother’s and Father’s days are coming soon. The best part? Students get 40% of the sales in their personal Orchestra account! This is a great way to finish off any last part of your orchestra fee and be able to fundraise for the Disney Trip Spring Break 2019.
Students received the flyers in class this week, but here is a link to it also. The deadline for this fundraiser is Wednesday, April 25 (yes, the same day as our Spring concert).
There’s not much time to make sure your whole family, friends, and fellow HRHS classmates get in on this! Please send any questions to Mr. Woodworth or Luke Davis. Thanks!!