Orchestra Families,
Or next Booster Club General Meeting is this Thursday, October 20th, from 7:15-8:15 PM in the HRHS Orchestra Room. The main topics for this meeting will be:
- Preparing for the Feeder Festival on November 9th
- The Winter Showcase coming up in December
Parents and students are welcome to attend the General Meetings. Volunteers for the Feeder Fest and Winter Showcase are encouraged to attend to receive additional information about these upcoming events. The persons who have signed up to volunteer will be sent an additional reminder e-mail. You can always check the volunteer sign-ups by finding the corresponding event's tab on the bottom of the spreadsheet at this link.
WE STILL NEED FIVE ADDITIONAL VOLUNTEERS FOR THE WINTER SHOWCASE for Evening Performances on 12/9 (2 volunteers needed) and 12/10 (3 volunteers needed). Please come to the General Meeting if you are interested in volunteering for either of these time slots.
We hope to see you there!