April 1 -- World's Finest Chocolate Bars Sale Begins. Buy a box for $60, $30 goes back to your family account. Students/families can buy as many boxes as they like to sell. Great way to pay the orchestra fee or future expenses.
Information here
Orchestra Fee
You should have recently received an account balance or remaining fee due statement from the treasurer. (Melanie Hall) please let us know if you have any questions. Thank You!
Information here
April 12 -- Orchestra CHSSA Contest @ Cherokee Trail High School
Students will be excused all day. Bus leaves HRHS at 7am and returns by 2:30. We invite any families or parents to be in the audience if possible.
April 13 @ 6pm, HRHS Auditorium -- Spring Break 2017 New York Trip Kickoff Meeting
Find out information for the trip and fundraising opportunities to help pay for the trip.
Students will be excused all day. Bus leaves HRHS at 7am and returns by 2:30. We invite any families or parents to be in the audience if possible.
- Symphony Performs at 8:30 am
- Chamber Performs at 10:46 am
- Chamber/ Wind Ensemble Full Orchestra at 1pm
April 13 @ 6pm, HRHS Auditorium -- Spring Break 2017 New York Trip Kickoff Meeting
Find out information for the trip and fundraising opportunities to help pay for the trip.
April 20 @ 7pm Arts Alive, HRHS Commons, Symphony Performs, Chamber Attends
April 28 @ 7pm -- Great Works Concert, St. Andrew's United Methodist Church
Chamber Performs, Symphony attends
Banquet DATE CHANGE Monday May 2 @ 5:30pm dinner, awards to follow
Chamber Performs, Symphony attends
Banquet DATE CHANGE Monday May 2 @ 5:30pm dinner, awards to follow
More info TBA
Orchestra Fee
You should have recently received an account balance or remaining fee due statement from the treasurer. (Melanie Hall) please let us know if you have any questions. Thank You!