Thursday, October 30, 2014

Orchestra Scrip Orders and Concert, November 5

Feeder Festival on Wednesday!

Reminder that students will stay after school Wednesday November 5 for dress rehearsals, concert prep and pizza. Our yearly feeder festival will start at 7pm and feature our Elementary students, Cresthill Middle School students and the HRHS orchestras. Thanks for your support, see you Wednesday. (More specific info read last weeks post.)

We will be placing our next Scrip order soon. Please send orders and payments to Mr. Woodworth by Wednesday, November 5 to have them included in our next order. This is a great time to get ahead on some of your Christmas shopping while you raise funds for your student's Orchestra Fee and other expenses!  Click here and scroll down for more details.

Have a great weekend!
Ryan Woodworth

Friday, October 24, 2014

Feeder Fest, Pictures, Auditions!

Continental League Honor Orchestra Auditions!

Monday October 27th, HRHS will be hosting Continental League Honor Orchestra auditions for 2014-2015 school year. More information here.

Inclass Orchestra Pictures

Monday October 27th, HRHS Performing Arts Department will be bringing a professional photographer to take our ensemble photos for the year. Please make sure that you bring tux/ dress to class on Monday. Photos are available for purchase and individuals can be taken too. Download picture order form.

What is the Feeder Festival?

The Feeder Festival is an evening of fun and performance, our first concert of the year! EBOP, Cresthill Middle School students and of course Highlands Ranch High School ensembles on stage in the HRHS Gymnasium at 7pm.  We will finish the evening with a combined piece that all the students perform together, a great highlight of the year. All students are expected to attend this fun and memorable time.

HRHS Orchestra Feeder Festival will be Wednesday, November 5, 7pm.  
Please be familiar with all information here.

  •  We are asking HRHS students and families last names of N-Z to bring treats for Feeder festival. 
  • HRHS Orchestra is doing a shirt order. We will be selling Hoodies, shirts, sweats and hats at cost.  Order form available the night of feeder fest. We would love to get you some cool high school orchestra gear. 
  • King Soopers Cards will be available at Feeder Festival and are $5 to start and can be reloaded for all gas and food purchases. This is a easy way to pay for your yearly orchestra fee.
Please see the HRHS Orchestra CALENDAR for all of the important dates for the year. You can attach all dates for the year to you phone, device, or email.