Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Thank you for making the 2014-2015 HRHS Orchestras Kickoff Meeting a great success!

We got a lot accomplished in a short time, and it was great to see so many old and new faces!

As we move forward with the school year, remember to check our website if you're looking for information, especially our calendar.

We'll send out reminders before concerts and other events and share photos and videos afterward (usually only one email per week at most).

Mark Your Calendar:
  • 10/4 Playathon -- watch for details coming soon!
  • 10/8 @ 7pm Fall Orchestra Concert

Want to start fundraising toward your family goal and other orchestra-related expenses? 
  • SCRIP Order Forms Are Due Wednesday, September 3. Earn funds back from money you spend anyway at places like Starbucks, Panera and many more through our SCRIP Program. Click here to shop for gift cards (% rebates vary by merchant). Click here for an order form. Return your order form to Mr. Woodworth by Wednesday, September 3.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Orchestra Meeting Reminder and Details

Just a quick reminder to mark your calendar for the required Orchestra Meeting on Tuesday, August 26 @ 7-8 pm.

Here are the highlights of our agenda:
  • Stations open at 6:30
  • Quick presentation meeting at 7:00
  • Stations remain open until 8:15
Get a head start at home!
Want more measuring help? Click here for a video:

Looking forward to seeing you Tuesday night!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Welcome to 2014-15 with HRHS Orchestras!

Orchestra students and families, you are vital to the HRHS orchestra program and we THANK YOU in advance for your help to make this year a success!

We look forward to an excellent year with continuing and new families, soliciting your ideas and participation along the way. The goal is to support your/our HRHS Orchestra Program with 100% participation for events throughout this upcoming year, for you to enjoy the music, and get to know one another...and have fun!

Our first General Orchestra Booster meeting will be Tuesday, August 26th from 7:00 – 8:00 PM. All students are required to attend! (get important information, build new and/or stronger relationships with other students, get required points). Parents and guardians, we want you to attend, too! (get important information, build new and/or stronger relationships with other parents, start passive fundraising for your student's orchestra-related expenses.)

Returning parents, the structure for this meeting has been modified: there will be stations to travel to on either side of a general meeting. The idea is to optimize everyone’s valuable time while accomplishing important details.

  • 6:30 pm Stations Open ~ Students and parents go to stations around orchestra room and complete required task ~ be sure to get a signature when task is completed
  • 7:30  7:00 pm ~ Everyone attends a quick general meeting: who, what, when, where, why about your boosters, followed by the election of officers for 2014-15
  • After meeting ~ resume traveling to stations (tables will be staffed until 8:15)

  1.  Orchestra Handbook – one per student/parent signature acknowledges task is complete
  2. Smart Music - Mr. Woodworth will demonstrate the "Smart Music" application---students will use the app to assist with their practice 
  3. Concert Dress - Students will be measured for Tuxedos/Dresses and make any required payment at this time. Click here for tuxedos information. Click here for information on dresses.
  4. Fundraising - The $100 annual Student Fee will be explained, along with multiple fundraising options to meet the family account requirement (Preloaded gift cards from King Soopers will be available for $5 each-- you get 5% back every time you reload your card. We will also have SCRIP order forms for purchasing other gift cards with the % you get back on purchases varying by merchant....this is HUGE...consider your everyday purchases, upcoming vacations, gift your student account grow very quickly) 
  5. Orchestra Merchandise – variety (t-shirts, mugs, sweats, etc.) available for purchase.
  6. Volunteer Opportunities – Parents, YOUR participation is vital to the HRHS Orchestra Program!!! Your boosters are asking YOU to volunteer for at least one event during the 2014-15 school year. This station will have the event’s job description, as well as, the time commitment.
Take a few minutes to explore our new website where you can access announcements (like this one), our calendar on the right sidebar of every page, orchestra photos, fundraising information, and more! We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, August 26th.