Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Winter Showcase Tickets, Scrip, and Thanks!

1. Winter Showcase Tickets...important

Online ticket sales for the winter concert will open on Wednesday, 11/26/14. In an attempt to find space for this exciting event, we have added a third night! The concert is December 8, 9, and 10 at 7pm.  All students will be performing all nights. The ticketing is new for this concert so please read this entire e-mail.

All attendees must reserve a ticket. The middle section is $10 per seat and the side sections are free but must still go through the online ticketing system to reserve seats and print tickets.

We understand that you are your student’s biggest fan, but this is a very popular event so we ask that you only reserve the seats you will use and only attend one night. All three nights will be available for live stream at home through HRTV.

There will be approximately 50 free tickets available the nights of concert on a first come, first served basis. The box office will open at 6:15 each night.

To purchase tickets, please visit showtix4you by clicking on the following link. Note, you may have to copy and paste it to your web browser.  Please print your tickets before your arrival on concert night.

Should you have any questions or concerns about ticketing, please e-mail our lovely performing arts secretary, Jayne Copland.

2. Scrip order Due December 3

With the Scrip program, families can earn for their student’s orchestra fee and account while they shop. Use scrip gift cards for everyday purchases, and earn a rebate on each one at no additional cost. Each retailer in the program has a predetermined percentage (for example Chili’s might have a rebate of 10% on their gift card while Walmart might have 2%). The only downside is that you have to pay for the gift card(s) in advance and so you need to plan ahead and pay ahead.

This will be our big holiday order, many families do most of their shopping for friend and family wthrough scrip so that they can fundraise while purchaseing gifts. Orders are due Wedensday December 3. They should arrive back to school between the 10th and 13th depending on shipping.

Contact Laurie Vogel for more information or details or how to order.

Click here to view and print an order form.

3. Thanks for all that you do!

The HRHS Orchestra Boosters are thankful for you and your family. We are thankful for your continued support, for helping and encouraging your student towards success, creating a positive learning environment for success, your many volunteer hours, sharing news with others in the community about our events, and just being you.

We hope that this holiday season is a positive and memorable time for you and your family.

HRHS Orchestra Boosters
Ryan Woodworth,
HRHS Orchestra Director

4. Lastly,
HRHS Orchestra is sending this message strait to your email through hrhsorchestras@gmail.com and mailchimp. If you are not receiving this message that way please check your junk mail and filtering selections, and let us know if your preferred email address is different or has changed. Thanks!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Butter Braids, and Cookie Dough

Butter Braids started this week!

All orchestra students have order forms to sell butterbraids to cover the orchestra fee and help fundraise any additional orchestra expenses including the Florida Trip in March. Each braid is sold for $12 and the student receives $5. Order forms are due Next week Wednesday (November 19) and deliveries will be made Monday November 24th.

Soft Copy of the order form.

Those families and students that sold Cookie Dough...

Cookie dough will be delivered on Friday, November 21st sometime between 10 an 2. It will most definitely be available for pick up at the end of the school day. Students who sold a little- can you make arrangements to stop by after school that day? Set a reminder in your phone.
Parents of students who sold a lot- can you make arrangements to pick up on the 21st? All cookie dough must go into freezers 6-8 hours after removed from thermal wrapping. I am hoping to keep the thermal wrapping on for most of the school day on Friday.

Thank you for your support!
Have a great weekend!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Great Job at FF!!

Great job to all students in these first two concerts, Feeder Festival and Fall concert. It is always great to see the numbers grow and the level of excellence strive higher and heigher. Thank you for your continued support.

We appreciate all of the parents that helped in one way or another, without you these concerts wouldn't have been able to happen to the level that they happened, thank you.

Many people were looking to place an order for Hoodies and Shirts. Order will be placed a Wednesday next week if you would like something (or as a gift) download the form and bring it to Mr. Woodworth by Wednesday.

Several families mentioned that they wanted to see or share the video feed from the Feeder Festival. follow this link to view the Orchestra Feeder Festival concert.

Thanks, have a great weekend.
Ryan Woodworth

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Orchestra Scrip Orders and Concert, November 5

Feeder Festival on Wednesday!

Reminder that students will stay after school Wednesday November 5 for dress rehearsals, concert prep and pizza. Our yearly feeder festival will start at 7pm and feature our Elementary students, Cresthill Middle School students and the HRHS orchestras. Thanks for your support, see you Wednesday. (More specific info read last weeks post.)

We will be placing our next Scrip order soon. Please send orders and payments to Mr. Woodworth by Wednesday, November 5 to have them included in our next order. This is a great time to get ahead on some of your Christmas shopping while you raise funds for your student's Orchestra Fee and other expenses!  Click here and scroll down for more details.

Have a great weekend!
Ryan Woodworth

Friday, October 24, 2014

Feeder Fest, Pictures, Auditions!

Continental League Honor Orchestra Auditions!

Monday October 27th, HRHS will be hosting Continental League Honor Orchestra auditions for 2014-2015 school year. More information here.

Inclass Orchestra Pictures

Monday October 27th, HRHS Performing Arts Department will be bringing a professional photographer to take our ensemble photos for the year. Please make sure that you bring tux/ dress to class on Monday. Photos are available for purchase and individuals can be taken too. Download picture order form.

What is the Feeder Festival?

The Feeder Festival is an evening of fun and performance, our first concert of the year! EBOP, Cresthill Middle School students and of course Highlands Ranch High School ensembles on stage in the HRHS Gymnasium at 7pm.  We will finish the evening with a combined piece that all the students perform together, a great highlight of the year. All students are expected to attend this fun and memorable time.

HRHS Orchestra Feeder Festival will be Wednesday, November 5, 7pm.  
Please be familiar with all information here.

  •  We are asking HRHS students and families last names of N-Z to bring treats for Feeder festival. 
  • HRHS Orchestra is doing a shirt order. We will be selling Hoodies, shirts, sweats and hats at cost.  Order form available the night of feeder fest. We would love to get you some cool high school orchestra gear. 
  • King Soopers Cards will be available at Feeder Festival and are $5 to start and can be reloaded for all gas and food purchases. This is a easy way to pay for your yearly orchestra fee.
Please see the HRHS Orchestra CALENDAR for all of the important dates for the year. You can attach all dates for the year to you phone, device, or email.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Play-A-Thon, First Concert and more


We are getting right near the time for our first concert! Less that two weeks now, October 8, 7pm . (Dates.) Students are sounding great and all are progressing well. One of the biggest traditions that HRHS Orchestra has done over the past 10 years is an opportunity called Play-A-Thon (Saturday October 4 10-3pm). We use this time before our first concert for time on stage, sectionals, indepth rehearsals, technique class, sightreading, games and, of course, food. We invite the community to participate in this through making pledges to support the orchestra and purchase items from the Directors Wish List that will directly benefit your student in their growth on their instrument. We love to show off the great things that our students accomplish during Play-a-Thon at our informal dress rehearsal open to the community from 2-3pm on Saturday October 4. We need your help to make these pledges happen!
More information on Play-A-Thon and Pledges

Concert Treats

The Fall concert is almost here (October 8). That means summer is over but we finally get to see our talented kids perform! It has been a tradition that we provide treats for the audience to purchase before the concert, during intermission and after the concert. We are asking families with last names beginning with A-M to provide a treat for that night. Just one dozen of whatever you want to bring is fine. Please bring your treat the night of the concert. We sell everything for $1 so please have your treats already packaged to sell (maybe a couple cookies in a bag). We have volunteers to set up and sell the treats at the table. Please send a quick email to Christine Parziale to let her know what you will be bring or if you have any questions. Thank you in advance for your help!

Concert Recordings

A tradition that we have at concerts is to bring in a professional recording company to record a CD of the concert. In order to make concert recordings financially feasible for this concert and future concerts we need to pre-order 10 CDs. These CD's make great memories down the road and are great gifts to family and friends that maybe couldn't attend the concert on October 8th.  Order form for CD's

Florida Spring Break Trip

Our deadline to register for the Spring Break Florida trip is October 1. Please let me know if you are interested. If you are currently registered, the next payment is $350 due October 1, total now being $1050. If you would like to join this trip at this time, we can work with you for an adjusted payment plan, but the total cost of the trip will still need to be turned in by January 5th.  If anyone has any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.  We look forward to a wonderful trip.

Continental League Honor Orchestra

Highlands Ranch is hosting this year's auditions and rehearsals for Continental League Honor Orchestra Festival. Auditions are on October 27th after school at HRHS. Audition music has been passed out in class and is attached here with all dates.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Entertainment Books

Happy Homecoming Week Orchestra Families!

Reminder that many of the orchestra students will be either on the orchestra float or in the homecoming parade with another activity. We hope to see you at the homecoming parade Saturday morning at 9am from Fox Creek Elementary to HRHS.

Our first fundraiser of the year was kicked off in class on Thursday and will run through the 29th of September. Each Entertainment book is sold for $30 and $12 goes into your family account to pay your fee, cover your orchestra expenses and even help your student go on the Florida Trip over Spring Break. Here is more information about this fundraiser.

The orchestra boosters is looking for a few parents to help lead different fundraisers for the program over the year. Please email Mr. Woodworth if you are interested or able to help.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Thank you for making the 2014-2015 HRHS Orchestras Kickoff Meeting a great success!

We got a lot accomplished in a short time, and it was great to see so many old and new faces!

As we move forward with the school year, remember to check our website if you're looking for information, especially our calendar.

We'll send out reminders before concerts and other events and share photos and videos afterward (usually only one email per week at most).

Mark Your Calendar:
  • 10/4 Playathon -- watch for details coming soon!
  • 10/8 @ 7pm Fall Orchestra Concert

Want to start fundraising toward your family goal and other orchestra-related expenses? 
  • SCRIP Order Forms Are Due Wednesday, September 3. Earn funds back from money you spend anyway at places like Starbucks, Panera and many more through our SCRIP Program. Click here to shop for gift cards (% rebates vary by merchant). Click here for an order form. Return your order form to Mr. Woodworth by Wednesday, September 3.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Orchestra Meeting Reminder and Details

Just a quick reminder to mark your calendar for the required Orchestra Meeting on Tuesday, August 26 @ 7-8 pm.

Here are the highlights of our agenda:
  • Stations open at 6:30
  • Quick presentation meeting at 7:00
  • Stations remain open until 8:15
Get a head start at home!
Want more measuring help? Click here for a video:

Looking forward to seeing you Tuesday night!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Welcome to 2014-15 with HRHS Orchestras!

Orchestra students and families, you are vital to the HRHS orchestra program and we THANK YOU in advance for your help to make this year a success!

We look forward to an excellent year with continuing and new families, soliciting your ideas and participation along the way. The goal is to support your/our HRHS Orchestra Program with 100% participation for events throughout this upcoming year, for you to enjoy the music, and get to know one another...and have fun!

Our first General Orchestra Booster meeting will be Tuesday, August 26th from 7:00 – 8:00 PM. All students are required to attend! (get important information, build new and/or stronger relationships with other students, get required points). Parents and guardians, we want you to attend, too! (get important information, build new and/or stronger relationships with other parents, start passive fundraising for your student's orchestra-related expenses.)

Returning parents, the structure for this meeting has been modified: there will be stations to travel to on either side of a general meeting. The idea is to optimize everyone’s valuable time while accomplishing important details.

  • 6:30 pm Stations Open ~ Students and parents go to stations around orchestra room and complete required task ~ be sure to get a signature when task is completed
  • 7:30  7:00 pm ~ Everyone attends a quick general meeting: who, what, when, where, why about your boosters, followed by the election of officers for 2014-15
  • After meeting ~ resume traveling to stations (tables will be staffed until 8:15)

  1.  Orchestra Handbook – one per student/parent signature acknowledges task is complete
  2. Smart Music - Mr. Woodworth will demonstrate the "Smart Music" application---students will use the app to assist with their practice 
  3. Concert Dress - Students will be measured for Tuxedos/Dresses and make any required payment at this time. Click here for tuxedos information. Click here for information on dresses.
  4. Fundraising - The $100 annual Student Fee will be explained, along with multiple fundraising options to meet the family account requirement (Preloaded gift cards from King Soopers will be available for $5 each-- you get 5% back every time you reload your card. We will also have SCRIP order forms for purchasing other gift cards with the % you get back on purchases varying by merchant....this is HUGE...consider your everyday purchases, upcoming vacations, gift ideas...watch your student account grow very quickly) 
  5. Orchestra Merchandise – variety (t-shirts, mugs, sweats, etc.) available for purchase.
  6. Volunteer Opportunities – Parents, YOUR participation is vital to the HRHS Orchestra Program!!! Your boosters are asking YOU to volunteer for at least one event during the 2014-15 school year. This station will have the event’s job description, as well as, the time commitment.
Take a few minutes to explore our new website where you can access announcements (like this one), our calendar on the right sidebar of every page, orchestra photos, fundraising information, and more! We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, August 26th. 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Welcome to HRHS Orchestras

This is your source for news and information about HRHS Orchestras. This site is currently under construction so if you've found us please excuse our mess as we build out the site, and please come back soon. We'll have it all ready by the time school starts in August!