Saturday, October 27, 2018

Feeder Festival this week

Don't forget our Feeder Festival on Tuesday, October 30 at 6:30 p.m. in the HRHS Gymnasium.  We hope everyone will come see what the students have been working on.  Also, if possible, we are asking for a little help to make this successful.  Here is the sign-up genius link.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Butter braids

One of our most popular fundraising events each year is our Butter Braid sales.  It's time!  Sales will run from today, Oct. 24  through Nov. 7.  Orders will be delivered on Nov. 14 (this is the Wednesday before Thanksgiving break starts) so people can have their Butter Braids in time for the start of the holidays.  Forms will be given to students during their next Orchestra class.

These are an extremely easy sell! If you've had them, we bet you're hooked; if you haven't tried them yet, you'll soon be a fan! In addition, we get back a profit of 40% of our sales! That is one of the best deals out there for fundraising.

We would like to have 2 or 3 volunteers to help sort and pass out the Butter Braids on Nov. 14.  If you would like to volunteer or have any questions about this fundraiser, please contact Alex Collins.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Feeder Fest/Kona Ice

Our annual Feeder Festival program is coming up soon: Tuesday, Oct. 30 at 6:30 p.m. to be exact!  This program is for all elementary, middle school, and high school EBOP/Orchestra students to come together in one night to show their families how hard they have been working so far this year.  The high school students will all meet at Highlands Ranch High School at 3 p.m..  The attire for the evening will be Halloween costumes.  They will have pizza, rehearse together, then perform for their fans.  

We will need some help to make this night a success.  There will be a sign-up genius sent out shortly to address our volunteer needs.  We appreciate all the help we can get!

In addition, that same evening, Kona Ice will be outside the high school after the concert, starting at 8 p.m.  Celebrate our students' success while helping our Orchestra Booster program.  Kona Ice will donate 20% of their sales that night to our program.  This will be in lieu of concessions.  We look forward to seeing everyone at both of these events!