Saturday, December 23, 2017

Give everyone a gift!

We Cordially Invite You to become a
Highlands Ranch High School Friend of the Orchestra!

The Friends of the Orchestra program provides vital funding for numerous HRHS Orchestra programs, activities, and music education resources.  The HRHS Orchestra Boosters is a designated 501(c)(3) charitable organization, making all monetary donations tax deductible.  

With additional participation of new donors and recurring donors, the HRHS Orchestra Boosters can continue to expand the learning opportunities for our Orchestra students, including providing sectional coaching sessions with visiting professional musicians and Orchestra scholarships for our graduating seniors.

Please become a Friend of the Orchestra, and encourage others to join.  Family, relatives, friends, and businesses are welcome to contribute.  Upon making a generous donation of $25 or more, your name will be listed in every Orchestra performance program this year to acknowledge and thank you for your support.  

Feel free to return and donate as often as you like, or sign up at the Donate link for recurring monthly donations using your PayPal account.  And remember, HRHS Orchestra Boosters is a designated 501(c)(3) charitable organization, making this a great opportunity to get in an end-of-year tax deductible donation!

Visit our webpage:

The following levels are encouraged to support the HRHS Orchestra 2017-2018 season:

Black and White   $25 ~ name listed in programs
Silver                     $50 ~ name listed in programs
Blue                       $100 ~ name listed in programs
Platinum                Special Donations

Business/Corporate      $100, $250, $500 or $1000 ~ business card ad in program and on website

To receive a Thank You letter that includes relevant tax information, please provide your contact information when you make your donation, or e-mail Paul Gross.

The HRHS Orchestra Boosters and the students we serve appreciate your support!

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Gift card donations requested

Do you happen to have extra gift certificates sitting around that you haven’t used? Does someone at work keep giving you Starbucks, Dairy Queen, Cold Stone Creamery, or other gift cards?  You take them and say “thank you,” but it’s not your cup of tea.  You hold on to them, but wonder when you’ll ever use them.  Well, have we got a solution to your problem!  
We are asking for gift cards to any variety of businesses to use as thank you gifts for teachers, section coaches, and others.  We only ask that they be new, at least $10 in value, and free of any personalization.  Please feel free to send them in with your students to class (if you think it’s safe! Ha ha!). As always, please feel free to email Sandra or Mr. Woodworth if you have any questions.  Thanks for helping us, and lightening your wallet’s load.