We are getting right near the time for our first concert! Less that two weeks now, October 8, 7pm . (Dates.) Students are sounding great and all are progressing well. One of the biggest traditions that HRHS Orchestra has done over the past 10 years is an opportunity called Play-A-Thon (Saturday October 4 10-3pm). We use this time before our first concert for time on stage, sectionals, indepth rehearsals, technique class, sightreading, games and, of course, food. We invite the community to participate in this through making pledges to support the orchestra and purchase items from the Directors Wish List that will directly benefit your student in their growth on their instrument. We love to show off the great things that our students accomplish during Play-a-Thon at our informal dress rehearsal open to the community from 2-3pm on Saturday October 4. We need your help to make these pledges happen!
More information on Play-A-Thon and Pledges
Concert Treats
The Fall concert is almost here (October 8). That means summer is over but we finally get to see our talented kids perform! It has been a tradition that we provide treats for the audience to purchase before the concert, during intermission and after the concert. We are asking families with last names beginning with A-M to provide a treat for that night. Just one dozen of whatever you want to bring is fine. Please bring your treat the night of the concert. We sell everything for $1 so please have your treats already packaged to sell (maybe a couple cookies in a bag). We have volunteers to set up and sell the treats at the table. Please send a quick email to Christine Parziale to let her know what you will be bring or if you have any questions. Thank you in advance for your help!
Concert Recordings
A tradition that we have at concerts is to bring in a professional recording company to record a CD of the concert. In order to make concert recordings financially feasible for this concert and future concerts we need to pre-order 10 CDs. These CD's make great memories down the road and are great gifts to family and friends that maybe couldn't attend the concert on October 8th.
Order form for CD's