Now that we are in the second semester of this year, it's time to start thinking about our Orchestra board for next year. The board positions open for the 2020-2021 school year are: secretary, vice president of fundraising, and vice president of communications. Fortunately, our president, treasurer, and ambassador will still be around to provide support. No one needs to feel intimidated about helping out! Here are some questions you may be having. Hopefully this will help, but if there's something not covered here, please let me know.
Why do we need help? The board manages the boosters' finances, helps out with student concert attire, works with Orchestra Council on activities, helps with raising money if needed, coordinates information between director and families, and generally helps with anything the director and/or Orchestra needs. These are vital functions as we help take care of out-of-class details so the director can focus more on teaching. This is also going to be a fantastic chance to help shape the Orchestra and boosters as we welcome a new director in the fall.
How can you help? Attached to this email is a description of the positions available. Please read this carefully! If you see a position that interests you or you have questions about, respond to this email or email . If you have a talent that isn't mentioned on the description list, please feel free to let us know. We all excel in different areas, but when we work together, we can do more than any one alone.
What is the election process? Once we have candidates for each position, we will have an electronic vote (generally April 15-30). Ballots will be sent to all booster parents via a Google form. Everyone is eligible to vote, and we consider a victory by a majority of the participating voters. The new board will be introduced to the boosters at the Orchestra senior banquet in May.
So are you intrigued yet? I hope so! Be sure to read the job descriptions, and let me know if you have questions. Thank you so much for considering helping our boosters and, ultimately, our kids be successful in Orchestra.